“The book is doing well… This is, in large part, helped by your lovely design work.”
—Bob Heilman, Sylph Maid Book

We provide page designs for all types of books. We also provide press-ready page files for any printer or print method you require, whether POD or offset. We accept complex books.
Add Value with Better Page Design
Even for the most basic books, unique page designs can help a book stand out and be above the competition. Want book distributors and reviewers to notice your work? You’ll have a harder time if your book cuts corners and looks self-published. Add value with beautiful design.

“I’m going to break with tradition and start this column with a word of praise for the top-notch design of ‘Overstory Zero,’ the new book out from Sasquatch. Designer/illustrator Michael Rohani’s work is a pleasure to look at and to hold.”
—Barbara Lloyd McMichael,
Book Columnist for the Olympian
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Reader-Friendly Page Design
Modern readers want value. Books with visual categories—checklists, examples, sidebars, and pull quotes—stand out. Readers can instantly see that they can get value from the book and easily find their way back to the content they like. With good planning and design, a book can become easier to use and more valuable to readers. And that’s just one of the ways design can increases book sales.
“We really like the design you created. Also, we like the book cover. Great work! What you did is fantastic… You are very good at what you do. Thanks again!”
—Dwayne Burnell, Burnell Financial
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Improve Book Design with Custom Styled Tables and Diagrams
For a fully professional look, have your diagrams, figures, and tables styles to match the book design. If you’re a business professional, we can also re-purpose the book elements into fully branded slides for your presentations and workshops. Publishing is one of the most cost-effective ways of promoting your business and personal expertise. We can help create a design strategy that helps you communicate your message and branding.
“Everything looks great!… Your diagrams are works of art! Thanks again for your help.”
—Jason Adams, VP of Marketing at Venusian Arts

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[email protected]

Add Custom Book Illustrations, Maps, and Graphics
Unique illustrations, maps, and graphics are another way of adding value to your book product so that it stands above the competition. Adding even one map can increase book sales. We can customize existing maps or create entirely new and original ones.
“Thanks so much, Michael. The maps are perfect, and beautiful. My readers appreciate them. I appreciate them!”
—Octavia Randolph, Pyewacket Press
“Very pleased! You’ve really put this together beautifully. Fantastic. Love the maps! Hard back looks great.”
—David Gray, FinArts
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[email protected]
Cover and Page Design Coordination
To complete the professional look of your book, allow us to design your book cover and pages together. We can coordinate all the elements of your book and prepare the printer files. Our one-stop service will save you time and money and eliminate possible errors with mismatched files at the printer.
“You are the best… You did an AMAZING job on the design!!”
—Clark Bartram, Best-Selling Author, CNTM Publishing

Or email us at
[email protected]

Press-Ready Files
We can prepare reliable press-ready files for your project. We understand how books are put together, including complicated books. We can do file set up for fold-out pages, pockets, die-cut tabs, embossing, or any other feature you want to make your book stand out.
“The books arrived in our office, and they look great, both text and the cover. You did a great job.”
—Yara Abuata, Production Manager, BenBella Books, Inc.
Or email us at
[email protected]